Thursday, July 7, 2011

7/7/11 Cinderella

Finally back to stitching Cinderella.  I have to admit that it was difficult moving from the 14ct Wild Thing to the 18ct Cinderella and it took me a few days to want to stitch.

Still working on the trees on the left side.  Pretty tedious since there is a lot of confetti, but it's actually starting to look like something now!

There are four different shades of green in there!!  It looks great though, considering that there is no backstitching on this part.  Definitely gives it some definition!

Hopefully I can get some more done on this in the next few days before switching back to Wild Thing.  Gotta make sure that is done with plenty of time to spare!


Anonymous said...

I really love the way this looks! It's neat to see something come up after only 3 or 4 colors in one area. This is really looking good!!

Kaisievic said...

It is really starting to take shape. Beautiful stitching.