Tuesday, July 12, 2011

7/12/11 Wild Thing

I really, really hate putting Cinderella down right now.  It's been so much fun to stitch over the past week!!  But, Wild Thing really needs some attention since my friend's due date is approaching and I want to be done with it before the baby is born.

Got a little stitching in last night:

Filling in the wood outline is so easy.  It's a blended color (one strand of the light brown, one of the dark brown) and all I have to do is fill in the gaps and be mindful of edges.  I was able to get this much done in just about two hours last night.  By the end of this week, I should be well on my way to stitching up the animals!


Anonymous said...

I like the blending of colors. It's also easier too when you just have to fill in. It makes it go faster!

Anonymous said...

i dont blame you not wanting to put cinderella down, i am loving seeing this one grow