Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Look Back

After doing some more stitching tonight (and spending at least an hour unpicking a few mistakes), I remembered that it's time to do a Look Back!

It's been a few months so I had to dig back through the blog for the last look back photos, so here we go.

Here is the October progress picture (yikes... has it been that long?):

October 2011 - Look Back
And here is today's picture:

January 2012 - Look Back
January 2012 - Back of the project

January 2012 - Overall progress

We are going to be taking a trip -- to Disney of course -- starting on Saturday, so I don't know how much more stitching will get done between now and the following weekend.  I'm hoping to finish this page by at least the end of March so I can get started on the next page.

Oh!  I forgot to mention this... you may notice a red thread running down the right side of the project.  I purchased some fishing line today and I'm testing it out to see if I like using it to grid more than the marking pens.  So far I like it, but I haven't had to work around it too much so we'll just have to wait and see how it goes.  Right now it's just marking the end of the first page, but when I start the next one I'm going to try gridding out the whole page with it. 

Happy stitching everyone!


Abbybeth said...

love the comparison pictures! I think I'm getting to the point where I need to do that again because I'm feeling like progress is slowing way down... I also really like your last picture showing the full piece of fabric - really shows how all those color changes work to make it look like a painting, just beautiful!

Joysze said...

Wow... this looks so good, Lauren. :)

Ewa said...

You did so much! Also, your backs are so pretty! Have fun on your trip!

Wendy said...

you´re castle looks lovely, and the sky looks great, wauw !

demeter83 said...

Oh wow the back of your project depresses me, and I mean that as a compliment, how do you make the back so neat? It's looking gorgeous by teh way, the front as well, beautiful design!

Little Miss Stitchy Stitch said...

I just received a Liebster Blog award and I would like to give this award to you, because I love your blog. You can read all about the award on my blog at
If you decide you would like to accept this award please email me so I can send you a award to post on your blog.

Shelleen said...

I just awarded you with the Leibster award. Please go check out my blog :-)

Jenilee said...

This is coming along beautifully! I was wondering if there has been any more progress done on this piece - perhaps your trip to Disney inspired you? :) I love this pattern though, and you are doing a great job with it!

Keebles said...

I am always so impressed when people can make the backs look as good as the fronts! Now THAT's the mark of a good stitcher! Maybe someday I'll get there, but right now mine look like crap!